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October 6, 2016

Hi PHP fans, and thank you for joining us.

The third release candidate for PHP 7.1.0 has been released this week, available immediately.

We also have the third part of the series on PHP 7.1, presenting the last batch of new features and modernisations that PHP 7.1 simply piles on top of PHP 7.0.

The Magento Podcast Magetalk celebrates its two year anniversary with the 100th edition this week. Who better to interview on the show then Mark Lavelle, CEO of Magento Inc.

Plus we take a look at some of the lesser known, yet very useful and highly amusing, Git commands out there.

And finally, the October edition of php[architect] is out now, with features including the history of women in computing, and advice on how to build your next API.

Have a great weekend,

Katie and Ade

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Where plugins go to die. Forget about patch updates and plugins. You deserve better than that.

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Sourcehunt September – Hacktoberfest Edition
It’s that time of year again – DigitalOcean’s Hacktoberfest is starting! It’s a month-long open source effort when people are encouraged to contribute to various open source projects (not their own!). Anyone who opens 4 pull requests (even documentation fixes count!) gets a T-shirt at the end of the month, symbolising their engagement in the open source community. If you’d like to participate, why not pick some of the projects from the list we’ve compiled this month?

The First Annual Drupal CEO Survey Reports That There is a Bright Future for Drupal in the Enterprise Segment
Results from the global Drupal CEO business survey conducted by One Shoe and Exove, in partnership with the Drupal Association, indicate that Drupal will adopt a role as an enterprise level platform. The Drupal CEO Survey has been carried out this year out for the first time and gives insights in the key issues that Drupal agency owners and company leaders worldwide face.

Musings of a PHPDiversity Rainbow Elephpant
It’s been a long, slow, lazy summer; but it feels as though things are accelerating in my life at the moment as we approach the launch of the PHPDiversity kickstarter. Mark promised himself that he wouldn’t proceed until he had all the costs associated with making me a reality (and knew that I was financially viable), and until he’d held the prototype me in his hands (rather than simply seen photographs of me) to assess that I really was what he’d expected. Well, he’s been able to put those final figures into his spreadsheets now; and the prototype me is on its way to him even as I type. Assuming that it matches his expectations, he reckons that the kickstarter to make me real will launch toward the end of this month (October) or early November at the latest.

Database Tests With PHPUnit
Most of us do not use PHPUnit solely for Unit Tests but we also write Integration or Acceptance Tests with PHPUnit. One very common question then, is how to interact with the database correctly in those tests. Let me show you the different options and their trade off.

Tutorials and Talks

Installing Apache, PHP, and MySQL on Mac OS X Sierra
Mac OS X runs atop UNIX. So most UNIX software installs easily on Mac OS X. Furthermore, Apache and PHP come packaged with OS X. To create a local web server, all you need to do is configure Apache and install MySQL. I am aware of the web server software available for Mac OS X, notably MAMP. These get you started quickly. But they forego the learning experience and, as most developers report, can become difficult to manage.

Use The Symfony Workflow Component
Since Symfony 3.2, a new useful component was born: the Workflow component. It is indeed really convenient and can simplify greatly your developments when you have to manage status workflows in your application, that occurs a lot.

Building a Welcome Page for Your WordPress Product: Code Part 2
In my previous post of this series, I started building a welcome page for a WordPress plugin. I discussed the plugin architecture and how it functions. Then I wrote the code for its base and initialiser files, where we added the code blocks for adding and deleting a transient based on plugin activation and deactivation. In this final article, I'll discuss the remaining plugin files along with the plugin's practical implementation. Towards the end of this article, you'll be acutely aware of the process of coding your first welcome page for a WordPress plugin.

Destructing PHP
Already last year I had a session at the fabulous FrOSCon conference about "Destructing PHP". No, this wasn't a flaming/trolling talk, but an attempt to teach a bit about some less known language feature of PHP: Deterministic Destructors.

How To Install Top PHP Microframeworks On A Cloud Server
In software development, we always find ways to perform rapid application development with international code conventions, by following standard security and development rules. Although we have several PHP frameworks for development, what about an application which you have to develop in a day or some hours?The answer lies in micro frameworks.

Lesser Known Git Commands
Git has a strong commitment to backwards compatibility: many powerful features are hidden behind options rather than exposed as default behaviour. Fortunately Git also supports aliases, so you can create your own commands that do all manner of Git magic. Here’s a selection of the more useful (or at least entertaining) aliases defined in my .gitconfig.

Sending a Welcome Mail with Laravel 5.3
Recently I was working an a project where, in order to use the webapp, users should first apply for an account. Potential users can fill in a request form. After the request is approved by an admin they may use the app. Our client expected that the barrier to request an account should be very low. That’s why the request form doesn’t contain a password field. Instead, when an account is approved, a welcome mail is sent with a link to where the user can specify a password. In this post I’d like to show you how we solved this with Laravel 5.3’s mailables.

Fighting Recruiter Spam with PHP – Proof of Concept
Ever since I moved off Google services (due to quality, not privacy concerns), I’d been looking for the perfect email service. Having tried several, and having been with FastMail for a while now, I came to the realisation that there’s no such thing. The biggest concern I have with modern email providers, is the fact that they are all quite bad at spam control. I don’t mean the “Nigerian prince” type of spam, which is mostly blocked successfully (unless you’re using FastMail – they can’t even recognise those), but stuff that I’m really, really not interested in getting. Case in point, recruiter spam.

Last Features in PHP 7.1 (part c)
This is the third part of our series about the last features in PHP 7.1. See ‘Upcoming features in PHP 7.1 (part a)‘ and ‘More upcoming features in PHP 7.1 (part b)‘. PHP 7.1 is now RC1 since our last article, so better dive into the code fast. We are now presenting the last batch of new features and modernisations that PHP 7.1 simply piles on top of PHP 7.0.
News and Announcements

PHP 7.1.0 Release Candidate 3 Released
The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.1.0 Release Candidate 3. This release is the third release candidate for 7.1.0. All users of PHP are encouraged to test this version carefully, and report any bugs and incompatibilities in the bug tracking system.

Drupal 8.2.0 is Now Available
Drupal 8.2.0, the second minor release of Drupal 8, is now available. With Drupal 8, we made significant changes in our release process, adopting semantic versioning and scheduled feature releases. This allows us to make extensive improvements to Drupal 8 in a timely fashion, while still providing backwards compatibility.

Laravel Forge Adds a New Development Blog
Laravel Forge has seen a lot of new improvements over the past few weeks and this week they announced a new developer blog, so it’s easier to keep up with all the new features.

International PHP Conference - October 23rd-27th 2016, Munich
The International PHP Conference is the world’s first PHP conference. Over a decade of top-notch, pragmatic expertise in PHP and web technologies. Internationally renowned experts from the PHP industry meet up with PHP users and developers from large and small companies. Tickets are on sale now.

SymfonyCon Germany - December 1st-3rd 2016, Berlin
SensioLabs is proud to organise the fourth edition of the SymfonyCon, the international Symfony conference. This year, to celebrate Symfony, we decided to bring the entire community to Germany to discover Berlin, a very special vibrant city. We look forward to welcoming you to Berlin for talks, workshops, discussions and other serious work around Symfony and its environment, then sharing this very special German atmosphere… And of course, celebrating the community reunion! Tickets are on sale now.

PHP UK Conference - 16-17th February 2016, London
PHP UK is pleased to announce the 12th Annual PHP UK conference; a 2-day event with 3 great tracks held at The Brewery, in the heart of the City of London. With over 700 delegates, speakers, and sponsors, PHP UK conference aims to deliver fantastic up-to-date content about PHP and related web technologies in a comfortable and professional setting. There are countless networking opportunities to engage with international speakers and delegates, which makes the event one you won't want to miss. Blind Bird tickets are on sale now, and the Call for Papers is open.


Run Geek Radio Podcast: Episode 12  – Conference Talk and Tutorial Tips
Adam Culp shares his latest schedule for speaking, and a recent experience where he found he was not able to prepare a workshop fully prior to an event. He then highlights some tips and hints on how to prepare ahead of time for a conference talk to ensure everything goes smoothly, including posting code, slides, and a place attendees can provide feedback.

Lately in PHP Podcast Episode 75 - Lately in PHP in is a live streaming site that allows developers to stream themselves working on code of their projects. Episode 75 of the Lately in PHP podcast is the first episode to be streamed using, presented by Manuel Lemos and Arturs Sosins as always. In this episode they also talked about the PHP proposals for immutable objects, searching for text on the beginning and end of strings, disallowing null object parameters in the get_class call, removing UTF-8 to ISO Latin 1 conversion functions and deprecate bundling PEAR/PECL and replace with composer/pickle.

MageTalk Magento Podast #100 - Interview with Mark Lavelle
Our 100th Episode marks 2 years of MageTalk and we couldn't think of anyone we'd rather share it with than Mark Lavelle, CEO of Magento Inc.

Voices of the ElePHPant - Interview with Jeremy Mikola
This week we hear Cal Evans talk to Software Engineer and NY PHP User Group member Jeremy Mikola, recorded live a few months ago at php[tek].

Acquia Podcast - Drupal 8 Content Workflow Initiative - Part 2
Jozef Toth talks about the Drupal 8 CWI - I got the chance to follow up on my conversation with Dave Hall and Dick Olsson about the Drupal 8 Content Workflow Initiative (Podcast: Drupal 8 Content Workflow Initiative - Part 1). This post includes the video and full transcript of our conversation, as well as links to many of the people and topics we touched on!

PHP Round Table Podcast Episode 54: Hourly vs Value-Based Pricing
There are two seemingly contradicting philosophies about how to charge clients for programming work. The hourly camp suggests that the client is paying for your skill and hiring you for your time. The value-based pricing camp suggests that the programmer should price a project based on its value to the client instead of the hours it will take to build it. Today we chat about these two ideas and discuss the pros and cons of both.

The Laracasts Snippets Episode 43: Write It Down
Lately, I've been forcing myself to journal tiny dev realisations I have, as I work on various projects. How often have you hit a roadblock, switched to Stack Overflow, found a fix....only to completely forget it six months later, when you encounter the same problem again?

Zend Framework Quick Bites Episode 17 - How To Build a Docker Test Environment
In this episode, I'm really excited to continue on with the Developing with Docker series and show how to run tests in the environment which we've created.

Laravel News Podcast LN27: Computer Vision Syndrome, Hacktoberfest, Laravel Valet
In this epsiode, we talk about Computer Vision Syndrome, making the front page of Hacker News, troubleshooting Valet, and more.

Reading and Viewing

PHP 7 Explained
We are happy to announce that our eBook "PHP 7 Explained" is finally available for purchase. This eBook contains deep knowledge and practical advice on everything you need to know about PHP 7. You will learn how to adapt your existing code for PHP 7 as well as how you can leverage the new features introduced in PHP 7.0 and PHP 7.1. "PHP 7 Explained" was written by Sebastian Bergmann, Arne Blankerts, and Stefan Priebsch. It is published by Press and available in three DRM-free file formats: PDF, ePUB, and Kindle-compatible MOBI.

Madison PHP Conference - Application Security Nuts to Bolts
Ilia Alshanetsky's slides from the Madison PHP Conference on the topic of "Application Security Nuts to Bolts" are now available for download here.

RFCs of the Future: Tick Talk
Signal handling in PHP is one of those things that not a lot of people understand, so they don’t bother with. However, if you are writing command line scripts, signal handing is your friend. In PHP 7.1, it gets even easier thanks to changes made in the engine. This short video shows you the changes coming in PHP 7.1 and gives you a quick PCNTL demo that you can play with on your own.

php[architect] October 2016 – Pillars of Development
Another issue is ready for download! Get your copy of the October 2016 issue of php[architect] magazine. This issue has articles on the history of women in computing, juggling arrays the functional way, advice for building your next API, and how to add features to a legacy application using the Strangler Pattern. Our columnists have articles on Robo-a PHP based task runner, Middleware, adding two-factor authentication, and more.

Diane Kinney Tells The Essential Skills Required To Run A WordPress Agency
Born and raised in Wisconsin, Diane spends her adult life on the gulf coast of Florida in sunny Sarasota. She delights in the sunshine and weirdly wonderful things that regularly happen in this state. She lives with her husband, college-student daughter, 5 cats and 3 dogs. She is a mega WordPress nerd and she’d like to share the things they’ve learned in the last 11 years of building both simple and complex sites in WordPress.

How to Get Investors for Your Software Product Business: Part 1
Many developers give up on their dreams of creating their own software product business because they feel they need to obtain an investment, but they do not know how to do it. The good news is that investment is often not necessary until you already have a business generating revenue. Until then you can work on your software product without having to invest from your own pocket. Watch this video to learn what is the role of the investors, the different types of investors that exist, and what type of investment you need to seek depending on the phase of your project.

Composer: Getting Started
Composer is the de-facto standard in the PHP community for including third-party code and autoloading your own code. This course will take you from beginner to expert with Composer in just over an hour.


Do you have a position that you would like to fill? PHP Weekly is ideal for targeting developers and the cost is only $50/week for an advert.  Please let me know if you are interested by emailing me at [email protected]

Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries

A light-weight RESTful client built on top of Guzzle that gives you full control of your API's resources.

PHP Properties implementations based on getters or setters method and used doc-block information.

REST-like PHP micro-framework.

Use WordPress backend with any PHP application.

A PHP 5.5+ tax management library.

A QTI (Question & Test Interoperability) Software Development Kit for PHP.

Popcorn PHP Micro Framework is a REST-based micro framework.

A PHP LDAP Package for Active Directory Manipulation.

Transformation style sheets - revolutionising PHP templating.

Simple and fast implementation of enumerations with native PHP 5.3 and upper.

Calibre OPDS (and HTML) PHP Server : web-based light alternative to Calibre content server / Calibre2OPDS to serve ebooks.

This is a php library that handles server-side processing for DataTables which is plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library.
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