A very warm welcome to you out there in the PHP community, and thank you for joining us :)
We start this week with several releases from the PHP development team; PHP 7.4.4, 7.3.16 and 7.2.29 are all available immediately.
Also recently released Laravel 7.2 and WordPress 5.4 RC4.
In celebration of Symfony's 15th birthday this year, SymfonyCon will be taking place at Disneyland Paris in December! The Call for Papers is already open and Early Bird tickets are on sale now.
And finally, go behind the scenes of Laracon Online to see what goes into running an online conference.
Katie and Ade |
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Protect your PHP Code
Why not try SourceGuardian 11. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.
Five WordPress Secrets That Will Make Your Life Easier
Tools on the site hat offer you better security and ease of use include PHP error protection, a debug mechanism, automatic updates and more.
On The Shoulders Of Giants: Recent Changes in Internet Traffic
As the COVID-19 emergency continues and an increasing number of cities and countries are establishing quarantines or cordons sanitaire, the Internet has become, for many, the primary method to keep in touch with their friends and families. And it's a vital motor of the global economy as many companies have employees who are now working from home.
I'm Supporting Open Source: Drupal Association Membership Drive
Today, we're launching a membership drive. You can help by sharing our message and showing your support. Help grow membership by visiting our campaign page and sharing with your network. We're supporting the global Drupal project and community with your help! Together, we make the open source community stronger. |
Tutorials and Talks
Best PHP Practices Explained
It might be hard for beginners to understand why some practices are safer. Some of the following tips might go beyond PHP though.
Setting Up A Global .gitignore File
Reviewing pull requests, I often see contributors sneakily adding editor configuration to the repository's .gitignore file. If everyone would commit their environment-specific .gitignore rules, we'd have a long list to maintain! My repository doesn't care about your editor configuration. There's a better solution to this: a personal, global .gitignore file for all your repositories. Here's how you can set one up.
Penetration Testing for WordPress Websites
In this article, I’ll be covering a number of common security holes, malpractices and useful information an attacker may be able to abuse in many WordPress installations. I’ll also highlight a number of tools you can should use to help you automate the WordPress penetration test.
Git for PHP Developers [branches]
A clear explanation with PHP examples of how GIT branches work.
Circuit Breaker
In most systems, we use remote calls. Many factors may have an impact on these remote calls e.g. network latency, server availability and so on. So we should assume that something can go wrong. These calls can be potential bottlenecks, we don’t want user waiting for the response from the server very long, because external API is very slow or not available. Also if we have a few services which communicate with each other we shouldn’t aggravate the situation when one of them has too much traffic and slow down significantly. So how to do it correctly?
How to Install the OrangeScrum Project Management System on CentOS 8
If you work with a team, you know the value of a good piece of project management software. Chances are strong you turn to open source to fill that void. If that's the case, you might know about OrangeScrum.
How to Duplicate a Page in WordPress
In this WordPress quick tip I’ll explain how to duplicate a page. This isn’t a complex task, but for beginners it can be awkward because WordPress doesn’t have native duplicating functionality. Let’s see how it’s done!
Connect to Azure Database for MySQL with Redirection
This topic explains how to connect an application your Azure Database for MySQL server with redirection mode. Redirection aims to reduce network latency between client applications and MySQL servers by allowing applications to connect directly to backend server nodes.
Why is === Faster Than == in PHP?
The Comparison Operator == (Equality operator) and === (Identity Operator) are used to compare two values. They are also known as the loosely equal (==) operator and the strict identical (===) operator.
Testing Without Mocking Frameworks
Over the years, my coding practices have changed a lot. From hacking away until it works to TDD/BDD/DDD and everything in between. I've come to the point where I generally advise against the use of mocking frameworks. After a couple interactions on Twitter, I thought it'd be good to share why I moved away from using mocking frameworks and what I use as an alternative.
Testing Laravel API Endpoints With jwt-auth
JWT authentication with Laravel is made relatively headache-free using the fantastic jwt-auth library. Once you have JWT up and running in your project, you will want to start thinking about building tests as you add functionality to your codebase.
Composer, Semver and Underlying Dependency Changes
Every now and then I need to bump a dependency in a package, or require a higher PHP version. |
News and Announcements
PHP 7.4.4 Released!
The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.4.4. This is a bug fix release. All PHP 7.4 users are encouraged to upgrade to this version.
PHP 7.3.16 Released
The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.3.16. This is a security release which also contains several bug fixes. All PHP 7.3 users are encouraged to upgrade to this version.
PHP 7.2.29 Released
The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.2.29. This is a security release. All PHP 7.2 users are encouraged to upgrade to this version.
Laravel 7.2 Released
The Laravel team released v7.2.0 this week with HTTP client query string support and a new timeout configuration option for the SMTP mail driver. Let’s check out the new features real quick
WordPress 5.4 RC4
The fourth release candidate for WordPress 5.4 is live! WordPress 5.4 is currently scheduled to land on March 31 2020, and we need your help to get there—if you haven’t tried 5.4 yet, now is the time!
SymfonyLive Warszawa October 5-8th 2020, Poland
Come for the conference to learn all about the latest developments with Symfony, share best practices, experience, knowledge and make new contacts with the great Symfony community from Poland! All talks will be in Polish, except for the Keynotes, which will be in English. Early Bird Tickets are on sale now and the Call for Papers is open.
ScotlandPHP Conference - 13-14th November 2020, Edinburgh
Join the worldwide PHP community for the fifth ScotlandPHP conference later this year. There will be 13 talks presented across 2 tracks, along with 3 workshops, to help you enhance your current skills and find out what's next for PHP and beyond. Blind Bird Tickets are on sale now and the Call for Papers is open until May.
SymfonyCon December 3rd-5th 2020, Disneyland Paris!
Symfony is proud to organise the 7th edition of the SymfonyCon. This year, we celebrate Symfony’s 15th birthday, already! For this special occasion, we decided to bring the entire community back to France in the beautiful city of Paris in a very magical place… We’re very pleased to invite you to join us at Disneyland® Paris for SymfonyCon 2020! Join us for talks, workshops, discussions and other serious work around Symfony and its environment… And of course, celebrate the community reunion and Symfony’s exceptional birthday! The Call for Papers is open and Early Bird Tickets are on sale now.
NomadPHP - March 30th 2020
Building a Great Client Agreement, presented by Chris Brown. Freelancers should use client agreements with their clients. But how do you create one? What should it include? How do you negotiate it? How do you sign it? Those are all important questions and we'll cover them all in this presentation. |
Podcasts and Vlogs
Full Stack Radio Podcast Episode 136: Michael Chan - React Is Not a Rails Competitor
In this episode, Adam is joined by Michael Chan to talk about how people who identify as React developers are building real web applications, and why it seems like nobody is talking about databases or background jobs anymore.
PHP Internals News: Episode 45: Language Evolution Overview Proposal
In this episode of "PHP Internals News" I chat with Nikita Popov (Twitter, GitHub, Website) about the Language Evolution Overview Proposal RFC.
The Laracasts Snippets Episode 119 - Repair Your Focus
We can all surely relate to the sense that our ability to focus has slowly deteriorated over the last decade. If this scares you as much as it does me, let's talk about how we reverse the process through habit forming.
PHPUgly #181: Heavily Medicated 💊
This week Eric, John, and Thomas talk about the Coronavirus and how it's impacting the tech world. Letsencrypt revoking tons of certs. And Laravel 7 hits the streets and Eric is already coding with it.
North Meets South Web Podcast Episode 72: Hoarding Toilet Paper, Project Health and Staying Home
Jake and Michael share how their lives have changed in the two weeks since the last episode thanks to the state of the world, and brainstorm how they plan on managing project health in their upcoming SaaS, thenping.me. |
Behind The Scenes of Flare (or How To Structure Big Laravel Applications)
At Laracon AU, I gave a talk on how you can structure a big Laravel application. The codebases of both Flare and Oh Dear served as examples. By watching this talk you'll gain some valuable insights that could be applicable to your projects as well. Enjoy!
A Week of Symfony #690 (16-22 March 2020)
This week, the upcoming Symfony 5.1 version improved error messages in failing tests, added new form theme blocks to customise collections and the entire codebase started using the new get_debug_type() function thanks to the PHP 8 polyfill.
Episode 5 – What’s Coming in PhpStorm 2020.1 – EAP Video Series
In this episode of the What’s coming in 2020.1 series, we take a look at new inspections, such as finding redundant ternary expressions and redundant pass-by-ref occurrences. We also discuss an addition for composer.json to support references for scripts and, last but not least, advanced grammar proofreading with the Grazie spell-checker.
SymfonyInsight Upgrade Reports Are Now Available to Everyone!
SymfonyInsight has always been focused on delivering tools to better maintain your Symfony projects. Our product started as a static and dynamic analyser and grew along the years to become what it is today. The most recent feature is Upgrade Reports. These new reports come in addition to your usual Suggestions reports, and they help you upgrade your Composer dependencies in a progressive manner.
How We Run Laracon Online
Ever wondered what all goes into running an online conference? Or want to see the behind scenes on how we do Laracon Online each year? |
Do you have a position that you would like to fill? PHP Weekly is ideal for targeting developers and the cost is only $50/week for an advert. Please let me know if you are interested by emailing me at [email protected] |
Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries
A petite library of essential encryption functions for PHP 7.1+.
MediaWiki is a free and open-source wiki software package written in PHP.
Starbug PHP is an open source framework for PHP that employs an MVC design pattern.
Rector is a reconstructor tool - it does instant upgrades and instant refactoring of your code. Why refactor manually if Rector can handle 80% of the task for you?
Slevomat Coding Standard for PHP_CodeSniffer complements Consistence Coding Standard by providing sniffs with additional checks.
Envalid is a framework agnostic and fluent server side form validation package for PHP.
PHP interface for VestaCP, providing a beautiful UI, UX, features & integrations.
This generator is completely (based on PHP) parse WPBP and remove the stuff that you don't need.
This library provides developers with a simple set of bindings to the Mercado Pago API.
The Braintree PHP library provides integration access to the Braintree Gateway.
Open source ERP software. Built on PHP, symfony componentes and bootstrap 4. Easy and powerful.
Centreon is a network, system, applicative supervision and monitoring tool. |
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Protect your PHP Code
Why not try SourceGuardian 11. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.
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