Hi everyone,
It's boxing day in some parts of the world. We hope you're all having a wonderful holiday season, and that you're all safe and have enough time for some rest and leisure time. On behalf of the crew here at PHPWeekly, we hope you have a wonderful holiday season.
If you have an article, tutorial or podcast that you would like to be featured in our newsletter, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].
All the best,
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Unlock the Magic of Laravel Stubs: Supercharge Your Code Generation
In this post, we’ll explore what Laravel stubs are, how to use them, and how they can be customized to fit your needs.
New Drupal Hook attribute
In the new version announcement something has caught my eye. From the title you know it is the Hook attribute.
Simplifying Code with Dependency Injection in Laravel and PHP
This blog post explores the concepts of Dependency Injection in PHP and how Laravel’s service container simplifies the process.
Introduction to Symfony Microservice architecture with gRPC communication
In this article, we will explore Symfony Microservice architecture and gRPC communication.
Harnessing OpenAI Assistant 2.0 for Named Entity Recognition in PHP/Symfony 7
Integrating large language models into real-world product backends is the latest battleground for innovation. But as with all tech trends, the real winners aren’t those who rush to know it all. Instead, it’s about pausing, reflecting, and making smart decisions.
Tutorials and Talks
Adding Request Context in Laravel Applications
Laravel's Context facade enhances application insight by allowing you to add persistent metadata throughout your request lifecycle. This context automatically enriches your logs with valuable debugging information.
Working with JSON Attributes Using Laravel's Array Casts
Laravel provides AsArrayObject and AsCollection casts to handle complex JSON attributes more effectively, enabling intuitive manipulation of nested data structures.
Mastering Queues and Jobs in Laravel: A Comprehensive Guide
This guide dives into the essentials of setting up and using queues and jobs in Laravel.
How to Use the PHP Spread Operator
If you are looking for a cleaner to manage arrays and functions, the spread operator is a tool you will want to have in your PHP arsenal.
Build a Symfony 7 boilerplate using FrankenPHP, Docker, PostgreSQL and php 8.4
Hi everyone, in this post we're going to build a boilerplate to start any kind of Symfony project, such like a monolith or an API.
Weekend Coding Win: How I Built a Composer Package to Track Expenses
As 2024 is ending, I’m so glad I used my weekends to build an amazing composer package useful to the community.
Laravel and RabbitMQ — Quick setup for processing queues
If you don’t know what RabbitMQ is, let me explain briefly. RabbitMQ is a very powerful message broker you can use for queue processing, microservices communication, and real-time messaging.
Managing Multiple PHP Versions Using Docker: A Simple Guide for Developers
Say hello to Docker, your new best friend for managing multiple PHP versions seamlessly. |
News and Announcements
Set Data on a Fluent Instance in Laravel 11.36
This week, the Laravel team released v11.36, which includes a chainable Fluent::set() method, a default global alias for the new Uri class, and more.
PHP 8.4.2 Released!
The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 8.4.2. This is a bug fix release. All PHP 8.4 users are encouraged to upgrade to this version.
PHP 8.3.15 & PHP 8.2.27 Released!
The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 8.3.15 & PHP 8.2.27. This is a bug fix release.
A Week of Symfony #938 (16-22 December 2024)
This week, Symfony development activity focused on fixing bugs in maintenance versions and adding new features for the upcoming Symfony 7.3 release. Meanwhile, we published blog posts about the new Twig features and a new case study about Symfony.
phpday 2025 - Call For Papers
The call for papers is open until January 11, 2025 23:59. Propose a talk! Take the chance to share your experience, test yourself on topics you know well and learn something new while preparing your presentation. You will also make yourself known in the community.
Podcasts and Vlogs
The Stack Overflow: How developer jobs (and the job market) changed in 2024
During the holidays, we’re releasing some highlights from a year full of conversations with developers and technologists. Enjoy! We’ll see you in 2025.
No Compromises Podcast: Feature flags: Temporary tool or permanent solution?
Joel and Aaron dive into a friendly debate about the true nature of feature flags in software development. Drawing from their varied experiences across different programming languages and environments, they explore whether feature flags should always be temporary or can serve permanent purposes.
North Meets South Podcast: North Meets South meets Slightly Caffeinated meets David Hemphill Christmas Extravaganza
Join Jake, Michael, David, TJ, and Chris for a merry chat about tech, holiday antics, and the entertaining Wheel of Fortune game!
WP Builds: 403 – Feeling Insecure? with Tim Nash. Episode 2 – Risks and Regulations
Today we have an exciting and essential conversation for all WordPress enthusiasts and developers. In this episode, titled “Feeling Insecure? Risks and Regulations”, I’m joined by Sir Tim Nash to chat about the crucial topic of WordPress security.
PHP Architect: Community Corner: PHPxWorld with Chris Morrell
In this episode, Scott talks with Chris Morrell about PHPxWorld and a hopeful return to in-person User Groups.
Mostly Technical: 64: Yes Man
Ian has a Christmas present for Aaron; the guys look back on 2024 and forward to 2025. Finally, they break down MT ad revenue for 2024 and set a goal for 2025.
Syntax: 2024: A Year in Review
Wes and Scott recap the key events in web development during 2024 and assess the accuracy of their 2023 predictions, including React ecosystem updates, the resurgence of Blue Sky, major improvements in CSS reducing reliance on JS, conferences attended, and changes coming to the Syntax podcast lineup.
The Changelog: State of the "log" 2024
Our 7th annual year-end wrap-up is here! We’re featuring 12 listener voicemails, dope Breakmaster Cylinder remixes & our favorite episodes of the year. Thanks for listening!
Mastering Requirements Gathering: A Developer's Guide
Developing your knowledge of best practices for effective requirements gathering can certainly help developers move to more architect based roles.
String Cleaning with Laravel’s remove Method
Need to remove certain characters from your strings? Laravel’s Str::remove method provides a straightforward way to clean up text content.
Lazy tagged iterator in Symfony
Tagged iterator is powerful thing in Symfony and in Symfony 7 this feature has become better. You can inject list of lazy services in your classes with lazy service locator.
Mastering Error Handling in PHP: Best Practices for Robust Applications
While many developers recognize the importance of handling errors, I often find myself assuming that certain practices, like properly working with Exceptions, are common sense.
GatePin: A Single-File PHP Solution for Simple Directory Protection
My development directories are like a living laboratory, filled with various projects and experiments that I frequently revisit for inspiration or reference.
Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries
This package create repository for a database model.
Make functions, static methods, Symfony service methods available in your twig templates.
Advanced Tools to use repository pattern for laravel eloquent models.
Easily make cached calls especially in slowly recursions in PHP.
Symfony 2 bundle which allows to encrypt data in database with some encrypt algorithm.
An automated, advanced, accessible, unbranded and extremely fast SEO solution for any WordPress website.
php error handling for cool kids.
CKEditor 4 Full For Laravel-admin.
A boilerplate for laravel designed to use laravel as backend and vue as frontend plus some improvements.
A helper class to load template files from another location.
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Protect your PHP Code
Why not try SourceGuardian 15. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders. |
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